ThemesOur Themes section includes films of our interviewees that are focusing on specific topics related to recovery, addiction, treatment, and sometimes other matters.

The films have been created by re-editing our original film into short (almost always less than three minutes) clips, and then 'linking' the appropriate clips by using YouTube Playlists. The Theme films are compiled from material involving one or more of our interviewees.

14th September 2023

Giving Back, Part 1

James Deakin points out that a major ethos of North Wales Recovery Communities (NWRC) is to be of service to the wider community of Bangor and further afield. He emphasises that the social cost of addiction is huge. One of the great things about recovery is that people actually get well and gain strength by giving their time and...
13th September 2023

Trauma and Addiction

James Deakin says: ‘For the vast majority of us it [addiction] is self-management of an underlying condition, it’s self-medication, or it’s just using any drink or drug to move away from a set of feeling[s] for a period of time.’ Addiction is often a symptom of a psychological problem, such as the impact of trauma. When people arrive at Penrhyn House, the residential part of North...
12th September 2023

Nature of Recovery, Part 1

Huseyin Djemil says, in relation to something written in Andy Partington's book Hope in Addiction: ‘The real deal in recovery is being bitten by the spider, is having that internal transformation somehow, that makes you look at everything differently. And it changes you.’ Can you can guess who provides the tools, metaphorically speaking?
11th September 2023

Living With Heroin Addiction

In a very short space of time, Marcus Fair was paying £20-40 a day just to feel normal in the morning. Crack cocaine followed, which led to burglaries. Injecting the drugs came next. Marcus travelled around the country buying heroin to feed his addiction. He used to wear out towns, rather quickly, because of the amount of crime in which he was...
10th September 2023

Recovery Advocacy, Part 1

Huseyin describes the treatment system wheeling out 'their' people in recovery and saying, 'Look at how wonderful we are!" He goes on talk about an old proverb he uses from time-to-time: ‘Until the lion learns to write, all the stories will be from the hunters’ perspective.' 'I guess these videos, the blogs, and all of that is the lion...
9th September 2023

Development of a Drinking Problem

One of David McCartney's parents had a drinking problem and this led to a lot of uncertainties and unpredictabilities in the family, which in turn resulted in young David developing anxiety and fearful states. Rather than ask for help, he internalised everything. When he was working as an an inner city GP, David became overwhelmed and...
8th September 2023

Factors That Facilitate Recovery

Wendy Dossett and Wulf Livingston discuss various factors at an individual, system and societal level that help people recover from addiction. These factors include the power of community; having an environment where choices are available, as well as signposting, communication and collaboration; and an environment...