
21st September 2023


Shame often plays an important role when a person is developing and/or has developed a drinking problem. In the first clip here, David McCartney describes how shame was part of a major epiphany in his life. He was asked by a woman if he would see her brother and talk about his drinking problem. On the way home after seeing her...
11th September 2023

Descent Into Addiction: David McCartney

His personal honesty eroded as he lied as to why he could not go into work. A mountain of shame grew, and his self-esteem diminished greatly, as he was living against all his personal values. He was a man who desperately needed to ask for, and access, help. Instead, he hid behind the...
9th September 2023

Development of a Drinking Problem

One of David McCartney's parents had a drinking problem and this led to a lot of uncertainties and unpredictabilities in the family, which in turn resulted in young David developing anxiety and fearful states. Rather than ask for help, he internalised everything. When he was working as an an inner city GP, David became overwhelmed and...