I just wanted to remind you about our five sections of Extras that you can find on our website. They contain a wide range of content (66 pieces) that I have written over the years for our sister website Recovery Stories which I launched back in 2013. Here are the sections:
Articles: A collection of 15 articles about addiction, recovery and treatment that I have written, some of which are focused on the research that my Wired In colleagues and I conducted when I lived in the UK.
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD): Historical evidence indicates that significant community development takes places only when local community people are committed to investing in themselves and their resources. The ABCD approach focuses on a community’s assets, capacities and abilities. Communities are built bottom-up, not top-down. This section initially includes six articles on Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) that I have previously posted on my other websites.
Healing Trauma: Traumatic experiences, disconnection and other stressors, particularly in one’s childhood, can impact negatively on our adult life and lead to a person using substances to kill the ongoing pain of those past experiences, which in turn can lead to addiction. This section focuses on 15 articles I have written on trauma, and the healing of trauma, primarily from a Western cultural perspective.
Indigenous Healing: This section focuses on 15 articles I have previously posted on the transgenerational trauma that has been experienced by Indigenous peoples following colonisation by Europeans, and Indigenous healing practices for trauma and its consequences (e.g. addiction, mental health problems) which are superior to Western medically-based mental health practices.
Recovery Stories: These Recovery Stories were written back in 2012/13 (and earlier), either by the person or by myself after a number of interviews with each storyteller. The majority were updated in the second half of 2020, allowing readers to see how each storyteller’s life has developed over the years. On 9 April 2021, I published the eBook Our Recovery Stories: Journeys From Drug and Alcohol Addiction which can be purchased via Apple, Amazon or Kobo. All 15 Stories are now on this website.