These Recovery Stories were written back in 2012/13 (and earlier), either by the person or by myself after a number of interviews with each storyteller. The majority were updated in the second half of 2020, allowing readers to see how each storyteller's life has developed over the years. On 9 April 2021, I published the eBook Our Recovery Stories: Journeys From Drug and Alcohol Addiction which can be purchased via Apple, Amazon or Kobo. All the Stories are now on this website.
David is deeply indebted to the Story authors: Adam Brookes, Anna, Beth Burgess, Brad Miah-Phillips (RIP), Iain Donald, Ian and Irene MacDonald, Kevin and Kerry, Kevan Martin, Michael Scott, Natalie, Paul, Sapphire, Simon Jenkins and Tim. NB. Some single names are fictitious. The stories are roughly in the order that David started them. The first version of Natalie's Story was written in 2000 by David's colleague at the time, Becky Hancock.