Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rutrum, erat vel fringilla maximus, lectus ligula mollis turpis, id fermentum velit libero vel ante. Mauris sed turpis vel sem ornare vehicula. Vivamus ac nisi laoreet, venenatis lorem ut, sodales urna. Fusce id suscipit tortor.

18th September 2023

Sustainable Community Development – From What’s Wrong To What’s Strong: Cormac Russell

'Sadly, that focus has caused huge harm to millions of people around the world, especially poor people and especially communities. And it has created four harms, unintended as they may be in particular.'
18th September 2023

Kevin and Kerry’s Recovery Story: ‘A Family’s Journey’, Part 1

As I got further involved in the world of drugs, the part of me that would say, ‘This is wrong’ was being squashed. In that environment, with everyone around you using, the drugs take over your whole life and you take more and more risks. I hated what I was, and years went by before...
18th September 2023

‘Ruby’s Story’: Marion Kickett

It’s hard to believe that it is ten years since my good friend Michael Liu and I went out with Professor Marion Kickett to her home country in York to film her describing her life, country, culture, spirituality, family, education and resilience. Marion is a Noongar leader from the Balardong language group and is the former Director of the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University in Perth. From our filming of Marion, Michael and I created 12 films...
18th September 2023

Harm Reduction (Harm Minimisation)

Some people may not want to, or feel unable to, give up using drugs completely. They might just want to reduce the harm that drugs can cause, e.g. they might change from injecting heroin to smoking it. Harm reduction, or harm minimisation, is a model of working that has been associated with drug use treatment since the mid-1980s.