Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rutrum, erat vel fringilla maximus, lectus ligula mollis turpis, id fermentum velit libero vel ante. Mauris sed turpis vel sem ornare vehicula. Vivamus ac nisi laoreet, venenatis lorem ut, sodales urna. Fusce id suscipit tortor.

22nd September 2023

Three Things to Know About Mental Health and Trauma

‘Human beings are human beings. We don’t change our minds because a bunch of scientists publish a set of recommendations and issue them.... Those don’t change public opinion. What changes people are the storytellers in our society.'
21st September 2023

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), Part 2

'In every community, there are connectors: people who value relationships more than single issues and care about community building more than problem solving. Often in the art of finding connectors, it helps to remember it takes one to know one, so once you’ve...'
21st September 2023

Michael’s Recovery Story: ‘The Power of Empathy and Compassion’

I needed to interact with other people and I believe that this is a key element of recovery. Connecting with people and engaging in meaningful activities, interacting with others and communicating. I’d love to see more recovery-related activities in my hometown...
21st September 2023

Senior Australian of the Year 2021: Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann

‘Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann (AO) is an Aboriginal Elder from Nauiyu (Daly River), where she served for many years as the principal of the local Catholic primary school. She is a renowned artist, writer, activist and public speaker, a remarkable spirit-filled woman known for her reflections on Dadirri (inner deep listening and quiet...