Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rutrum, erat vel fringilla maximus, lectus ligula mollis turpis, id fermentum velit libero vel ante. Mauris sed turpis vel sem ornare vehicula. Vivamus ac nisi laoreet, venenatis lorem ut, sodales urna. Fusce id suscipit tortor.

13th September 2023

Understanding Intentional Behavioural Change

The Processes of Change are the cognitive/experiential and behavioural activities that facilitate change. The extent to which each of these processes is used depends on what state of change the person who has a problematic behaviour has reached.
13th September 2023

The Healing Power of Country

I began to realise the healing power of Country, something that I’ve known about, but not experienced in this way. My experiences made me reflect on how Aboriginal people are connected to their Country and how they treat it with the utmost respect. They know that this connection is central to their wellbeing and facilitates...
12th September 2023

Brad’s Recovery Story: ‘A Life Beyond My Wildest Dreams’

At this point, I experienced something I remember clearly like it was yesterday. My head span and I was dizzy. I had never realised that my problems involved more than just alcohol—they involved me as a person. No one had explained this to me before.
12th September 2023

Self-Change and Recovery Capital

In total, recovery capital constitutes the potential antidote for the problems that have long plagued recovery efforts: insufficient motivation to change AOD use, emotional distress, pressure to use within intimate and social relationships, interpersonal conflict, and other situations that pose risks for relapse.