David Clark

19th February 2024

It Goes Back To My Childhood: Rhoda Emlyn-Jones

Alun provided so much support for people with alcohol-related issues. There are still three rehabs existing in Wales because of him. He did all this voluntarily. He used to bring home people who had nowhere to live and were drinking on the streets. Rhoda and her sisters used to...
19th February 2024

Integrated Family Support Services (IFSS): Rhoda Emlyn-Jones

The idea was that Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs), drug and alcohol specialists, social workers, occupational therapists and health visitors would form one team. The team would look at new referrals and only one person would visit the family, since they were all doing the...
19th February 2024

Option 2: Rhoda Emlyn-Jones

They developed their approach, looking at Home Builders—a home- and community-based, intensive family preservation services treatment programme in America—and various psychological therapies that worked. The service name Option 2 was decided upon, since it said to colleagues ‘at the point that you are about to remove...
19th February 2024

It Goes Back To My Childhood: Rhoda Emlyn-Jones OBE

Alun provided so much support for people with alcohol-related issues. There are still three rehabs existing in Wales because of him. He did all this voluntarily. He used to bring home people who had nowhere to live and were drinking on the streets. Rhoda and her sisters used to... 
16th February 2024

My Name is Jim and I’m a Recovery Ally: Jim LaPierre

I love working with people in recovery because I like people who are exceptionally genuine, motivated, and who seek to make great changes in their lives.... People in recovery inspire me. I love their candor, their accountability, their integrity, their humor, and...
15th February 2024

Ruby’s Healing Story: Marion Kickett

Marion tells how Ruby was taken from her mother and trained as a domestic. She was raped on the station to which she was sent, and gave birth to a child who was removed. This did not happen just once… Ruby married and had three children. Alcohol numbed the pain of losing her first children and Ruby developed a drinking problem. She was imprisoned for manslaughter, but eventually overcame her problems. She needed to forgive before she could begin healing.
13th February 2024

Creating Theme Clips, Playlists & Theme Films

I really enjoy editing the Theme film clips that are created for each of our interviewees. These film clips are generally less than three minutes long and focus on a primary theme from our interviews/conversations. I edit these clips after I have broken the original conversation up...
9th February 2024

A Special Message From BAC O’Connor

'I am pleased to announce that Kendra Gray, our dedicated Strategic Director and Deputy CEO for over 12 years, has stepped into the role of CEO at BAC O’Connor... Noreen was the reason that BAC exists today and she will continue to be a presence in all that we do here...' Tony Oliver, Director, BAC O'Connor Centre
8th February 2024

Recovery Voices Teaser: Rhoda Emlyn-Jones OBE

Rhoda Emlyn-Jones from Cardiff has developed a wide range of services over the past 40 years that deliver proven effective interventions to thousands of individuals and families. Her Option 2 service works intensively with families which experience substance use difficulties...
7th February 2024

Theme: Recovery Advocacy, Part 1

Huseyin describes Towards Recovery wanting to  show that people in recovery are assets. They feed the soil of where they live. They’re the people who’ve walked through deep water and come out the other side. David McCartney started to write about recovery because he wanted more people to understand and know what was...
6th February 2024

Factors That Facilitate Recovery From Addiction in a Community

On the RAPt treatment programme, inmates met other people with similar experiences and realised that they were not alone. A sense of belonging helped them to open up and share their thoughts and experiences. It enabled them to build trusting relationships, leading...
5th February 2024

What We Are About: Towards Recovery

Huseyin emphasises that Towards Recovery is about bringing people together. Members are meeting people who have experienced similar problems to their own, and have overcome them. There is a good deal of empathy in the community. People connect within the cafe, and via other activities e.g. WhatsApp, or on Strava...
2nd February 2024

Recovery Activities in North Wales: Wulf Livingston

He says there are about 20-30 like-minded people spread across North Wales, many of whom have been around a long time. They all know each other, have been on the same journey, and share the same values and principles. Everyone knows how to get 60-70 service users into...
1st February 2024

How I Overcame my Heroin Addiction – and Started to Live: John Crace

It was never the deciding to give up drugs that was the problem. It was the deciding to stay off them permanently. Then one day, roughly six months after my 30th birthday, I found I meant my decision to give up smack enough to keep to it. My life had been increasingly falling apart. I’d been overdosing regularly and could see that, if I didn’t stop, I would be dead within a year.
31st January 2024

Eternal Media’s Recovery Hub Podcast

Caitlin sits down to talk with Marcus Fair about his 25-year long battle with crack and heroin addiction—to how he went from writing himself off in his early 20’s, to years of spells in prison and homelessness, to then how he found long-term recovery and founded Eternal Media a charity and social enterprise with the goal of supporting others...