David Clark

30th January 2024

The Challenges of Recovering From Heroin Addiction

Interviewees had to shape a new identity and social involvement in worlds that are not associated with drug use. An essential element underlying recovery is people being accepted as ‘normal’ by so-called normal society. Former users of heroin may be reluctant to engage...
29th January 2024

Wendy Dossett on the 12-Step Fellowship, Part 1

In Wendy’s research, only 25% of her Fellowship participants described themselves as religious. Many people who stick around in the Fellowships interpret Higher Power in secular ways. She points out that lots of ideas found in SMART Recovery, which presents itself as...
26th January 2024

Being Held Back… By a GP Identity: David McCartney

David started to drink more and more to alleviate his increasing anxiety. He eventually realised that his drinking levels were not that different to the people who were coming to see him for their alcohol problems. However, he rationalised that he could not have a problem as...
25th January 2024

Taxi Ride to Station: Huseyin Djemil

‘If recovery is a journey from London to Manchester, then treatment is the taxi ride to the station.’ Huseyin argues that the taxi-ride to the station has become a proxy for the journey. Taxi drivers convince you to get into their taxi so you can get to the station (treatment), but when you get there you don’t know which train to take to continue...
24th January 2024

Healing Power of Country

In the Kimberley, that emotional pain did not surface. I started to feel at peace with myself. And with my past. I loved every moment of our days, waking up to magical sights and sounds, and sharing the beauty of this magical Country... My experiences made me reflect on how Aboriginal people are connected to their Country...
23rd January 2024

Power of the Group: James Deakin

NWRC members have to engage in 20-30 hours of organised social activities a week. This is important so that members can be around people and form strong positive, ’sober’ connections. Addiction is disconnection, recovery is connection. Right from the beginning, people are encouraged to get assimilated into a group...
22nd January 2024

A Skull on a Stick: Marcus Fair

‘"It was 25 years, just looking like a skull on a stick." Eating every three days, if he remembered, and if he could get into the local garage to rob something. He’d travel around the country buying heroin. He used to wear out towns, rather quickly, because of the amount of crime in which he was involved. He had to keep moving on.
19th January 2024

The Power of Story: Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Stories give cognitive and emotional significance to experience. 'Stories are amusing, memorable, and absorbing; they are also instructive, informative and orienting… We construct and negotiate our social identity through the stories we tell other people (and through the stories that then get repeated about us).'
17th January 2024

‘Euphoric Recall’ by Aidan Martin

'Fear doesn't consume me anymore. Instead of being emotionally shut down, crippled by feelings of worthlessness and despair, I am thriving, developing and growing. I have learned how to love and be loved, how to help and be helped. I'm just a guy who found recovery and was shown the way out of addiction. For me it will always be a lifelong programme of maintenance.'
16th January 2024

Learning From the Experts

Once I started meeting and listening to people with, or who were recovering from, a serious substance use problem, I knew immediately I was doing something important. I was learning key information that not only would shape my own behaviours, but other people’s as well. I knew I had to start writing Recovery Stories...
15th January 2024

Our ‘Communities’ Pages

Members of recovery communities engage in a wide range of social, physical and educational activities that fill the void created by moving away from previous unhealthy addictive behaviours, and help individuals create a more fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle. Recovery communities facilitate human connection and enable feelings of...
12th January 2024

Theme Film Favourites: Wulf Livingston

Big Organisations Hoovering Up Money: ‘You change the articles and conditions, or the memorandum or your legal status of the organisation, to allow you to trade in a bigger circle. And that’s all about feeding a corporate identity. It’s actually got absolutely nothing to do with the individuals underneath.’
11th January 2024

Phil Valentine’s Legacy

'I’m old enough now to start considering my legacy. This is one way for me to share lessons learned in my recovery, in my role as Executive Director and a trainer. When I engage with others, I present the same messages repeatedly. It’s time to write them down.' Phil Valentine, Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)
10th January 2024

Theme Film Favourites: Marcus Fair

'What strikes me throughout is the strong sense of social justice (and injustice) that shapes Marcus’s experience as he explores the translation of his personal filmmaking into establishing one of the most fantastic of community projects. Marcus has become a key leader within and supporter of much of which stands out about the...'
9th January 2024

The Future Redefinition of Treatment: Bill White

'The worst scenario would be that we would move into the lives of communities and - rather than help nurture the growth of indigenous supports - replace these natural, reciprocal relationships with ones that are professionalized, hierarchal, and commercialised.’