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7th November 2023

Inspired by Natalie’s Story: David Clark

‘There were about fifteen people in my first group session, one of whom was an ex-heroin user who had been clean for about 16 years. She came over to talk to me and I was in awe. She had done exactly what I was doing and she had gotten through it. From that moment on, I didn’t feel so alone. She had done exactly what I...'
6th November 2023

Life After Prison: David Higham

This awesome six-minute film from 2017 brings a tear or two to my eyes when I watch it. David Higham had been in and out of prison since the age of 16 and was a drug user for more than 25 years. He went on to create (in 2012) and develop The Well Communities, an inspiring recovery community located in Cumbria and North Lancashire.
3rd November 2023

Prison Detox Unit: Huseyin Djemil

When he worked as Drug Strategy Co-ordinator for the seven London Prisons, Huseyin was asked to review the detox unit at Wormwood Scrubs prison. He found awful conditions in the unit and made a number of recommendations for improvement which were taken up by the prison. Huseyin describes the resulting 55-bed...
2nd November 2023

Recovery Advocacy, Part 2

Wendy Dossett and Wulf discuss the problems of trying to be an addiction recovery advocate whilst working within the system, where financial interests and status are major factors. Wulf believes that the recovery advocacy movement has receded into small communities and off the national stage.
2nd November 2023

Ten Most Viewed Posts: 25 September – 31 October

Here are the ten most viewed posts on our Recovery Voices website—excluding the main section pages, e.g. Home, Blog—since we first launched the website on 25 September 2023. [NB. Posts loaded onto the website before our launch are dated as 25 September below.]
1st November 2023

A Disease of Obsession: Marcus Fair

Marcus says that he felt very committed as an addict. It wasn’t a hobby. The longer he goes on in his recovery, the more he realises that his addiction ‘had nothing to do with drugs whatsoever.’ It was a symptom of the disease of obsession. He could see this obsession during his youth, be it for food or chocolate, then computer games...
1st November 2023

The Lure of the Mountains

Like many recovery groups and activities, DARE required the coming together of a group of motivated individuals. In this instance, it began with the desire of some in recovery to do the massive Welsh 15 peaks challenge, and their connection to three ‘friends of recovery’ with a depth of mountaineering experience and skills who wanted to...
31st October 2023

Feeling Anxious: Dr. David McCartney

We now know that our early life experiences can have a profound effect on what happens to us in later life, in relation to our physical, psychological and relational wellbeing as an adult. These adverse childhood experiences needn't be major, like serious physical violence. They can be more subtle,  but be repeated...
30th October 2023

Recovery Support, from Living Room to NERAF: Kevan Martin

So, Kevan invited people he knew with alcohol problems to join a support group which met in his living room. 'Word of mouth ensured that my home was soon packed with people I had met throughout my years of spinning through the revolving door of treatment.'
27th October 2023

On Being Straight: James Deakin

Living in Bangor, James decides he has to go straight. He pictures himself where he’d like to be and behaves in the appropriate way. ‘What would a straight person do in this situation?’ He gains a peace of mind from being legitimate. He doesn’t have to worry about anyone kicking in his door at six in the morning.
26th October 2023

Descent Into Heroin Addiction

Marcus Fair describes having a disease of obsession—an obsession for certain things, be it food, chocolate or computer games—from the time of his youth. ’Whatever I enjoyed, I kicked the arse out of, until it kicked the arse out of me.’ Marcus went through a progression of substances from alcohol, to gas and solvents, cannabis...
25th October 2023

The UK Addiction Recovery Movement: Wulf Livingston

Recovering people were taken on in treatment services as peer supporters or support workers. Now that recovering people had jobs within the treatment system, they couldn’t advocate for radical recovery in the same way they had when they were outside the system.
24th October 2023

Flipped It!! The Movie: Marcus Fair

In his interview with Wulf, Marcus Fair says that the ideas for Eternal Media were generated in 2012, from his prison bunk bed during his last term inside. And Eternal Media really kicked off when Marcus and his colleagues made the film Flipped It!! Here's the story about the making of the film, taken from Marcus's words on Eternal Media's...
23rd October 2023

Our Key Principles: North Wales Recovery Communities

An example of NWRC as a whole giving back to the local community was the feeding of vulnerable people in the community, using food from the community allotment and that provided by supermarkets. The food was gathered, cooked, frozen and delivered by community...
20th October 2023

Spider-Man & Batman: Huseyin Djemil

In my  interview with Huseyin Djemil of Towards Recovery, Huseyin talks about how Andy Partington, in his new book Hope in Addiction, emphasises the distinction in the way that Spider-Man and Batman accomplish their feats. The real deal in recovery is being bitten by the spider and having that internal transformation (like Spider-Man)...