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9th February 2024

A Special Message From BAC O’Connor

'I am pleased to announce that Kendra Gray, our dedicated Strategic Director and Deputy CEO for over 12 years, has stepped into the role of CEO at BAC O’Connor... Noreen was the reason that BAC exists today and she will continue to be a presence in all that we do here...' Tony Oliver, Director, BAC O'Connor Centre
8th February 2024

Recovery Voices Teaser: Rhoda Emlyn-Jones OBE

Rhoda Emlyn-Jones from Cardiff has developed a wide range of services over the past 40 years that deliver proven effective interventions to thousands of individuals and families. Her Option 2 service works intensively with families which experience substance use difficulties...
7th February 2024

Theme: Recovery Advocacy, Part 1

Huseyin describes Towards Recovery wanting to  show that people in recovery are assets. They feed the soil of where they live. They’re the people who’ve walked through deep water and come out the other side. David McCartney started to write about recovery because he wanted more people to understand and know what was...
6th February 2024

Factors That Facilitate Recovery From Addiction in a Community

On the RAPt treatment programme, inmates met other people with similar experiences and realised that they were not alone. A sense of belonging helped them to open up and share their thoughts and experiences. It enabled them to build trusting relationships, leading...
5th February 2024

What We Are About: Towards Recovery

Huseyin emphasises that Towards Recovery is about bringing people together. Members are meeting people who have experienced similar problems to their own, and have overcome them. There is a good deal of empathy in the community. People connect within the cafe, and via other activities e.g. WhatsApp, or on Strava...
2nd February 2024

Recovery Activities in North Wales: Wulf Livingston

He says there are about 20-30 like-minded people spread across North Wales, many of whom have been around a long time. They all know each other, have been on the same journey, and share the same values and principles. Everyone knows how to get 60-70 service users into...
1st February 2024

How I Overcame my Heroin Addiction – and Started to Live: John Crace

It was never the deciding to give up drugs that was the problem. It was the deciding to stay off them permanently. Then one day, roughly six months after my 30th birthday, I found I meant my decision to give up smack enough to keep to it. My life had been increasingly falling apart. I’d been overdosing regularly and could see that, if I didn’t stop, I would be dead within a year.
31st January 2024

Eternal Media’s Recovery Hub Podcast

Caitlin sits down to talk with Marcus Fair about his 25-year long battle with crack and heroin addiction—to how he went from writing himself off in his early 20’s, to years of spells in prison and homelessness, to then how he found long-term recovery and founded Eternal Media a charity and social enterprise with the goal of supporting others...
30th January 2024

The Challenges of Recovering From Heroin Addiction

Interviewees had to shape a new identity and social involvement in worlds that are not associated with drug use. An essential element underlying recovery is people being accepted as ‘normal’ by so-called normal society. Former users of heroin may be reluctant to engage...
29th January 2024

Wendy Dossett on the 12-Step Fellowship, Part 1

In Wendy’s research, only 25% of her Fellowship participants described themselves as religious. Many people who stick around in the Fellowships interpret Higher Power in secular ways. She points out that lots of ideas found in SMART Recovery, which presents itself as...
26th January 2024

Being Held Back… By a GP Identity: David McCartney

David started to drink more and more to alleviate his increasing anxiety. He eventually realised that his drinking levels were not that different to the people who were coming to see him for their alcohol problems. However, he rationalised that he could not have a problem as...
25th January 2024

Taxi Ride to Station: Huseyin Djemil

‘If recovery is a journey from London to Manchester, then treatment is the taxi ride to the station.’ Huseyin argues that the taxi-ride to the station has become a proxy for the journey. Taxi drivers convince you to get into their taxi so you can get to the station (treatment), but when you get there you don’t know which train to take to continue...
24th January 2024

Healing Power of Country

In the Kimberley, that emotional pain did not surface. I started to feel at peace with myself. And with my past. I loved every moment of our days, waking up to magical sights and sounds, and sharing the beauty of this magical Country... My experiences made me reflect on how Aboriginal people are connected to their Country...
23rd January 2024

Power of the Group: James Deakin

NWRC members have to engage in 20-30 hours of organised social activities a week. This is important so that members can be around people and form strong positive, ’sober’ connections. Addiction is disconnection, recovery is connection. Right from the beginning, people are encouraged to get assimilated into a group...
22nd January 2024

A Skull on a Stick: Marcus Fair

‘"It was 25 years, just looking like a skull on a stick." Eating every three days, if he remembered, and if he could get into the local garage to rob something. He’d travel around the country buying heroin. He used to wear out towns, rather quickly, because of the amount of crime in which he was involved. He had to keep moving on.